Welcome to Landywood Primary School. We are proud to serve the community by providing a modern, warm and vibrant school for our children and families. Our school is designed for children from the age of 2 - 11. Our school has such amazing outdoor areas for the children to enjoy and learn in, including three forests and an ampitheatre! As well as learning in classrooms, our children really enjoy learning outdoors through our Natural Curriculum and Forest School programmes too.
At Landywood Primary School, every child is as important as the next. In short, every child matters. It is a great privilege for me to have the opportunity to lead a team of talented, professional and dedicated staff who aim to create a school in which every child will flourish in a caring, happy environment. We strongly believe in the importance of developing a supportive partnership between home and school. This is essential if children are to achieve their full potential and to grow as confident individuals. This partnership is built through a regular dialogue between parents/carers, children and school.
We have high expectations of every one of our children. Our ethos is to teach children to take responsibility for their actions, their environment, and most importantly, for their learning. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. Our Creative Curriculum helps prepare our pupils for life and work, equipped with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive and become well-rounded citizens, who appreciate the diversity and pluralism of our society. Our curriculum is much more than content, it also includes activities and programmes our pupils enjoy which help underpin the academic learning in classrooms whislt also teaching the values that help them become confident, resilient and caring individuals who are successful members of society. Teachers harness children’s natural curiosity and desire to learn, making learning stimulating and enjoyable. Our school has always been proactive in supporting pupils’ mental health and wellbeing. We support all children at an individual level, whatever their learning strengths and needs to gain independence and to become lifelong learners ready for life in Modern Britain.
Landywood Primary School is an inclusive community and we promote tolerance and respect for all. We value the individual contributions our pupils bring to school and we encourage and support them to fulfil their potential. Gaining an appreciation of the cultures and beliefs of others in our school community and beyond is very important and we support this through a wide variety of opportunities including our partnerships with an inner city Birmingham primary school and with a primary school in The Netherlands which children visit.
Our pupils really enjoy learning through technology. At Landywood, to help make learning even more exciting and engaging, all pupils have access to iPads and all children from Years 2 - 6 have 1:1 devices. Please click here to find out more.
Our Ofsted inspection judged the school to be good in all areas. The inspectors identified "The curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils make good progress in English and Mathematics and develop their skills and knowledge in a range of other subjects through the school's creative curriculum." Please click here to download the Ofsted Report.
I was very proud to be awarded the 'National Headteacher of the Year in a Primary School'. A big thank you must be given to all our staff, governors, pupils and families for making Landywood such a special place. Without such high levels of support and desire for all children to achieve their true potential, this award would not have been possible.
I hope our website will answer many of your questions, but should you have further queries, please telephone, email or visit the school – you will be most welcome. We hope that you will share our ambitions and aspirations for your children.
We invite you to come and visit us and we would be delighted to arrange a suitably convenient time for you to see at first hand how we work, as well as our amazing facilities we can offer your child.
Best wishes,
Andrew Clewer - Headteacher