


Landywood Primary School is committed to using educational technology to further improve the learning experiences and achievements of all our pupils. iPad technology provides us with opportunities to inspire and motivate our young people to achieve their full potential and engage them fully in their learning. We believe that the use of an iPad will enhance everyday learning and teaching and in particular will:

We approve the use of an authorised Apple iPad in a manner consistent with the vision of school, the established learning and teaching objectives of Landywood and we recognise and encourage the use of the iPad at school and at home to promote remote learning.

The internet is a valuable resource that can raise educational standards by offering both pupils and teachers opportunities to search for information from a very wide range of sources based throughout the world. However, some of the information to be found on the internet will be inappropriate for pupils and we feel it is important to have a policy in place that takes this issue into account. 

At Landywood, we have a duty to ensure that before using the internet with pupils, staff have had the opportunity to discuss how they will deal sensitively with inappropriate use. The following policy helps to define appropriate and acceptable use by both staff and pupils.   

Please visit our Policies section on the website to read the following related policies:-

  • Safeguarding incorporating Child Protection Policy

  • Mobile Phone Policy

  • Acceptable i-Pad Usage Policy

Below are a selection of downloadable documents which we think helps explain the importance of E-Safety.  They give parents some excellent strategies to help keep their children safe.


SafeKids Quiz

The Online Safety Quiz is your chance to show that you know how to be a safe Internet surfer. Answer each question and, when you get it right, you'll go to the next question.
