
Parents, carers and guardians


At Landywood Primary School we recognise the importance of and value parental involvement in the life of the school. Throughout this website the term parent is used to refer to parents, guardians and carers. We believe that education is a collaborative enterprise involving amongst others, parents, staff and children. As a school we are therefore committed to establishing and maintaining an effective and purposeful working relationship between the school and home.

“It’s what parents do rather than who they are that counts” (Charles Desforge)

“Parental involvement in a child’s education can be a more powerful force in learning then family background and parents’ education level, and contributes to no less than 10% of variation in achievement”. (DfES 1999)

 We hope this section of our website helps parents understand how best to support their children.  If you have any feedback regarding this area of the website, please email school with your suggestions.  The suggestions could include a section you think we could add to help parents, a specific website which would help parents, etc.