
School Council


At Landywood, we are very proud to have pupil representatives that take part in Class and School Council meetings.  These meetings are in place so that pupils have a voice and are involved in decisions about the school that affect them. 


Every January, as part of our British Values and Prevent provision, all children are invited to write a manifesto, detailing why they believe they should be voted for as a Councillor.  Every child presents their manifestos to their classes.  Voting booths are created enabling every child to complete their voting slip and post it into a voting box.  An assembly then follows, where the newly elected Councillors are welcomed and presented with a special badge to wear on their uniform every day to school.  At the first meeting of the new Councillors, a vote is undertaken to elect the following roles:-

  • Chairperson

  • Vice-Chair

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer


Through Class Council meetings, all pupils have the opportunity to raise issues, share ideas and take part in discussions that involve all of their classmates in reaching a democratic solution.  Wider issues that arise at Class Council are discussed further at School Council, this ensures that as many pupil voices as possible are heard.  If the resolution can be reached by adjusting something in class or by speaking to a member of the leadership team, then it need not be taken to School Council.  Pupils at Landywood know that this is their school and their thoughts and ideas matter.


  • School Council then discusses specific matters using the same structure as Class Council; the resolution at School Council may be that during a Class Council, the Councillors simply remind their classes about appropriate play, etc.  They may want to speak with a senior member of staff with an alternative suggestion; any number of resolutions may be reached by the School Council members. Councillors bring their Minute Book to School Council meetings and raise any relevant issues for wider discussion and whole school resolution.


Every year the Councillors discuss many different topics, make important decisions and attend various meetings to ensure pupil.  Examples of these include:-

  • Choosing two charities to fundraise for each year

  • Meet School Catering Manager to review menu choices

  • Review school's Behaviour Policy

  • Review school's Anti-Bullying Policy

  • Review Marking and Feedback Policy

  • Book July's visits for winning House Point Visit

  • Review lunchtime playground equipment and lunchtime systems

  • Undertake transition with newly voted School Councillors

  • School Council presentation to Governors

  • School Council Chairperson attends termly H&S staff meetings

  • School Councillors involved in guided tours of applicants


Please meet our School Council Members 
