

Essential Learning Experiences


As part of our Creative Curriculum at Landywood children learn through termly or half termly topics. These topics have been carefully selected and planned by our teachers to ensure they engage the children in learning and maximise opportunities available to us as part of these topics, we also plan ‘Essential Learning Experiences’. 

These may be day trips out of school, visitors that come into our school or school based events.  We have carefully designed our ELE programme to ensure that each year group has a balance of visits and visitors to provide the children with a variety of learning opportunities.  ELE’s can provide an exciting launch to a topic or an opportunity for children to draw a conclusion and apply their previous learning.

We will ensure that at least three ELE’s are organised for each class throughout the year In response to parents’ feedback, we have arranged a number of different payment plans to assist families with cost Please see the next page for details This page will show what is planned for your child’s class this academic year We hope you will agree children will get lots of benefits from the experiences that are planned for them to help maximise their learning.

Payments are flexible.

We are pleased to be able to tell you that this year, we have been successful in planning a number of different ELE’s across school.

To make it easier for all families we will continue to ask for an annual payment. As you will appreciate, some visits are more expensive than others. Given the rising fuel costs, the coach hire costs have significantly increased. We will therefore have to increase the annual cost to £42 to cover the three visits/visitors from September to July. This covers the entrance costs, travel costs, insurance and any other related costs. Parents can choose to pay all of the £42 in September, or can pay it weekly over the course of the year using our new electronic payment system.

The exciting Essential Learning Experiences we have organised this year will be costing the school over £10,000, but we have been able to keep the costs low for you thanks to a subsidy from school and a subsidy from our wonderful PTFA.

Different ways to pay

  • Weekly - £1.05

  • Monthly - £4.20 (10 months)

  • Termly - £14

  • In full - £42

If your preferred method of payment is weekly or monthly you will need to bring the cash to the letterbox in the office in a labelled envelope. If you prefer to pay termly or in full, you will need to pay using the Parent Pay system.



Receptions Essential Learning Visits 2021-2022


  • Mock Wedding Autumn Term

  • Animal Lady Spring Term

  • Chick Hatching Spring Term

  • Wolseley Centre Summer Term 


Mock Wedding Autumn Term

"We had cake for the wedding reception it was yummy"

"Reverend Morris was very good at showing what happens at a real wedding!"

Animal lady Spring Term

"The snake was heavy around my neck but he felt soft and smooth!"

"The honey bear was very soft and cuddly!"

Chick Hatching Summer Term


"The chicks were fluffy and really cute!"


"I loved holding the chicks, it was so exciting when the chicks hatched!"

Wolseley Centre Nature Reserve


"I had a great time exploring and I found lots of different mini-beasts!"


I loved the pond dipping, I found some tadpoles, it was great!"