
Art & Design

Subject Lead - Mrs Stokes-Haynes

Art Intent
Art Intent
Art Implementation
Art Implementation
Art Impact
Art Impact

At Landywood we believe that art is for everyone and that we are all artists!
All children are given opportunities to acquire skills, improve their knowledge and understanding of art and develop their artistic awareness. This enables them to express their individual and collaborative ideas.
We feel that an appreciation and enjoyment of art enriches our lives and that art has the capacity the support our emotional wellbeing.
In Early Years, Art is taught through the area of Expressive Arts and Design with children exploring and using media and materials and being imaginative. In Key Stages 1 and 2 art is taught over three half-term blocks and is based on the class theme. During these sessions, children are encouraged to use a wide variety of tools and materials for drawing, painting and sculpture with the purpose of creating imaginative and expressive work. As well as being encouraged to develop their own style the children look at the work of other artists and explore the use of their techniques and media.


Pupil Voice

  • "I know that's fine art because it looks real."

  • "Medium is the material art work is made from."

  • "A day of art is the best day ever!"

Pupil Teams
