

Subject Lead - Miss Roobottom

Maths Intent Document
Maths Intent Document
Maths Implementation Document
Maths Implementation Document
Maths Impact Document
Maths Impact Document

Here at Landywood we strive to help our pupils grow into problem solvers who rise to any challenge they are faced with. We promote a love of Maths through hands on experiences where Maths is given a real life context. All children are immersed into a broad and balanced Maths curriculum where they are able to master each aspect through small steps. As well as Maths being taught explicitly through direct lessons, it is also underpinned through a broad range of foundation subjects. We provide children with opportunities to demonstrate their skills in Foundation subjects such as Science, Design and Technology, Computing and Geography to give their learning meaning and provide a context.


Mastery of Maths ensures pupils have the opportunity for academic success in the future. Obstacles they may face along the way are overcome through problem solving and solution building skills they have developed as young Mathematicians. Right from Early Years we provide our pupils with a strong basis for reasoning, estimation and logical thinking which they carry with them into later life. We instill the love of challenge into the children here at Landywood by developing a resilient, can-do attitude. Challenge is evident right from Early Years where we have ‘Challenge Tables’- this is developed through KS1 and KS2 through problem solving and reasoning. As well as this we have rolled out the Early Years model of the use of concrete apparatus throughout KS1 and KS2 where we have maths boxes available on each table for all children to access and build upon to create pictorial and eventually abstract based learning.


We feel the development of subject knowledge and understanding is the cornerstone of effective maths teaching. As a result, pupils are able to choose their own levels of challenge in order to engage them, whilst providing pupils ownership over their learning. Through a combined curriculum of White Rose and NCETM we are able to ensure sequential, layered progression to the teaching and learning of Maths which ensures time for both deep coverage resulting in opportunities of mastery for all.


By working within the North Midlands Maths Hub- both through the Maths Readiness and now the Maths Mastery Hub- we have been able to gain, develop and share ideas of the delivery of Maths which has fed into our practise and shaped the way in which we structure our Maths lessons. Through CPD and sharing of best practise, through a coaching model, staff here at Landywood are now able to share, adapt and shape the curriculum they teach to meet the needs of all children. Through the use of our specially designed intervention programme we ensure pupils here at Landywood are able to overcome gaps of knowledge by pinpointing where the gaps are and tailoring a specialist intervention which takes place separate to the Maths lesson. 


Year 4 parents, please follow the following link to gain more information about the Yr 4 Multiplication Check:


Pupil Voice

  • Maths is so fun- it is challenging and I like to push myself every lesson!

    Ronnie- Year 6

  • My maths is always improving. I learn new methods to answer questions. My teacher always challenges me so that I can master maths!

    Stan- Year 5

  • We love maths in our class! We always try our hardest even if it is tricky!

    Evie- Year 3




Please find below a selection of videos that showcase some of the methods we use in our Math's lessons.

These will also help support your child with their home learning. 

Creating fact families for given numbers

Bar models for number bond

Part-Whole models

Column addition (with exchange)

Grouping and Sharing

Subtraction (no exchange)

Subtraction (with exchange)

Partitioning to multiply

Short Multiplication

Long Multiplication

Short Division

Long Division

Pupil Teams
