

Subject Lead - Miss Salt

Science Intent
Science Intent
Science Implementation
Science Implementation
Science Impact
Science Impact

Our Science curriculum is designed with the intent that each child at Landywood Primary School will become competent scientific thinkers and investigators who will encounter a broad and balanced curriculum through exciting, memorable and first-hand scientific experiences.

With great emphasis on offering our children an exceptional science education that underpins National Curriculum content and offers the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

Learning is planned so that children can make links to prior knowledge enabling children to build their scientific through key experiences. Children are given the opportunity to research, investigate, explain and share ideas as well as developing team-work, resilience and confidence in Science.

Whole School Science Coverage

Whole School Science Coverage

Science In Action

Pupil Voice

“I enjoyed melting chocolate” Y5 pupil

“We do more experiments than we used to. I really enjoy the practical work” - Y6 pupil

“I like learning about how the world works” - Y4 pupil


 “ I want to be a space engineer” - Y3 pupil

 "I want to be a rocket scientist” - Y5 pupil

"I like that we now use more equipment and do more investigations in science lessons"  - Y2 pupil

Pupil Team
